Videos about our work
- Contribution to livestream panel: Videospiele in der Schule, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
- Video by ZonMw introducing the Smart Sports Exercises project
- Video Summary of some of our Smart Sports Exercises prototypes [Video]
Scientific publications
Peer Reviewed Poster:
- Salim, F. A. , Reidsma, D. , & van Delden, R. (2019). Modeling Behavior of Volleyball Players For Analysis and Interactive Multimodal Feedback. Poster session presented at 6th International Conference on Ambulatory Monitoring of Physical Activity and Movement, ICAMPAM 2019, Maastricht, Netherlands.
Peer Reviewed Conference Papers:
- Beenhakker, L., Salim, F., Postma, D. , van Delden, R. , Reidsma, D. , & van Beijnum, B-J. (2020). How Good is Good Enough? The Impact of Errors in Single Person Action Classification on the Modeling of Group Interactions in Volleyball. 278. Paper presented at 22nd ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, ICMI 2020, Virtual, Online, Netherlands.
- van Delden, R. W., Bergsma, S., Vogel, K., Postma, D. B. W. & Reidsma, D., (2020) VR4VRT: Virtual Reality for Virtual Rowing Training CHI PLAY 2020 – Extended Abstracts of the 2020 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play. p. 388-392.
- Salim, F. A., Haider, F., Yengec Tasdemir, S. B., Naghashi, V., Tengiz, I., Cengiz, K., Postma, D. B. W. , van Delden, R. , Reidsma, D., Luz, S. , & van Beijnum, B-J. (2020). Volleyball Action Modelling for Behavior Analysis and Interactive Multi-modal Feedback. In eNTERFACE’19, 15th International Summer Workshop on Multimodal Interface Bilkent University.
- Fasih Haider, Fahim Salim, Vahid Naghashi, Sena Busra Yengec Tasdemir, Izem Tengiz, Kubra Cengiz, Dees Postma, Robby van Delden, Dennis Reidsma, Bert-Jan van Beijnum, Saturnino Luz; Evaluation of Dominant and Non-Dominant Hand Movements For Volleyball Action Modelling; ICMI ’19: Adjunct of the 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction; October 2019 Article No.: 8; Pages 1–6;
- Fahim Salim, Fasih Haider, Sena Busra Yengec Tasdemir, Vahid Naghashi, Izem Tengiz, Kubra Cengiz, Dees Postma, Robby Van Delden, Dennis Reidsma, Saturnino Luz, Bert-Jan van Beijnum; A searching and automatic video tagging tool for events of interest during volleyball training sessions; ICMI ’19: 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction; October 2019 Pages 501–503;
- Postma, D., Van Delden, R., Walinga, W., Koekoek, J., van Beijnum, B-J., Salim, F. A., Van Hilvoorde, I. & Reidsma, D., (2019) Towards smart sports exercises: First designs CHI PLAY ’19 Extended Abstracts: Extended Abstracts of the Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play Companion Extended Abstracts. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), p. 619-630.
Peer Reviewed Journal Papers
- Haider, F., Salim, F. A., Postma, D. B. W. , Delden, R. V. , Reidsma, D. , Beijnum, B. J. V., & Luz, S. (2020). A super-bagging method for volleyball action recognition using wearable sensors. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction, 4(2), [33].
- Salim, F. A., Haider, F., Postma, D. B. W. , van Delden, R. , Reidsma, D., Luz, S. , & van Beijnum, B. J. F. (2020). Towards Automatic Modeling of Volleyball Players’ Behavior for Analysis, Feedback, and Hybrid Training. Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour, 3(4), 323-330.
Workshops and events
- Youth sports symposium 2019 (“Symposium sportspelen”), organised by Windesheim University of Applied Sciences. The symposium featured several elements related tot his project, among which a demonstration of the LED video floor in practice, presentations by several researchers about aspects of the project including the game design, sports sciences, pedagogy, and data science, and a general overview of the project. Goal of this event was, among others, to showcase the Smart Sports Exercises to interested people from the fields of sports, teaching, and user experience & interaction technology [PDF of symposium website]
- MAIStroPE workshop 2019: 1st Workshop on Action Modelling for Interaction and Analysis in Smart Sports and Physical Education, organised during the International Conference on Multimodal Interaction 2019 in Utrecht, NL [Workshop webpage]
- “Volleyball Action Modelling for Behaviour Analysis and Interactive Multi-modal Feedback”: four week research project at the eNTERFACE19 summer school in Ankara, TR. eNTERFACE is a yearly summer school event dedicated to mini projects on “multi-modal interfaces”. During this particular eNTERFACE project, an international team of researchers worked on machine learning models for automatic recognition of volleyball actions, under leadership of Fahim Salim, one of the researchers of the SSE consortium. One aim of the project was automatically tagging training videos so athletes could review their own performance per action (a form of self-modeling that has been shown to be a very effective form of pedagogy) [Website:] [PDF of website] [Our CfP] [Project report in eNTERFACE19 proceedings] [Full Proceedings of the eNTERFACE’19 (ISBN 978-605-9788-33-5)]
Popular scientific articles
- SportknowhowXL 2018 – De vraag van Ivo van Hilvoorde aan Dennis Reidsma: [PDF]
- Koekoek, J., & Walinga, W. (2021). Loopt, lukt, leeft de training? De verborgen agenda speelt mee! Sportgericht, 75(2) , 20-24. In deze publicatie aandacht voor de interviews met CMV jeugdspelers m.b.t. hun beleving van veldgrootte wisselingen.
- Publicatie Walinga, W., Koekoek, J., & Van Hilvoorde, I. (2021). Smart led-vloer technologie: serieuze kansen voor het bewegingsonderwijs? Lichamelijke Opvoeding Magazine (verschijnt begin juli).
- Publicatie Walinga, W., & Koekoek, J., & Postma, Van Delden, R., Salim, F., Van Beijnum, B.J., Reidsma, D., & Van Hilvoorde, I. (in submission). Led-vloer technologie: toekomstbeeld in de sportpraktijk. Sportgericht (in voorbereiding)
- Hilvoorde, I. van, Koekoek, J. & W. Walinga (2021) De stand van zaken na zeven jaar taggen. Lichamelijke Opvoeding Magazine (verschijnt begin juli).
- Postma, D.B.W., Reidsma, D. & Zaal, F.T.J.M. (2020) Nieuwe inzichten over de rol van affordances bij succesvol bewegen. Sportgericht, 74(6) , 20-24.
Others about our project
- UTnieuws – Rens Kuipers: [PDF]
- SportknowhowXL – Nelleke van der Heiden: en [PDF]
- SportInnovator –
- Valorisation report [PDF]
- Dissemination report [PDF]
- List of student graduation theses [PDF]
- Summary of Data Science output of the project [PDF]
New MSc courses developed within the project
- MSc course Sports Interaction Technology, University of Twente. Participation from multiple MSc teaching programs among which the MSc Interaction Technology. Target audience: designers of/with technology who want to better understand how and why to design innovative technology for use in a sports (teaching) context [PDF course summary].
- MSc module “New technologies in movement education and sports” at the MSc program Physical Education and Sports Pedagogy of the Windesheim University of Applied Sciences. Target audience: sports professionals who want to better understand how and why to employ innovative technology in their sports (teaching) context.